Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blog Assignment: Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 2

Early childhood education affects all children and not just the children here in the United States, but all across the world. In 2006 at Harvard University the Center on the Developing Child was founded on four basic principles:
·         Building a unified science of health, learning and behavior
·          Leading the design, implementation, and evaluation of innovative program and practice models
·         Catalyzing the implementation of effective, science-based public policies
·         Preparing future and current leaders to build and leverage knowledge

              Sometime later Harvard and the Center on the Developing Child later founded and launched the Global Children’s Initiative. The initiative was put into place to address the needs of children around the globe with strong emphasis on early childhood education, research and through leadership. I was intrigued how the initiative played a major role in activities geared towards awareness in child development, children in crisis, and children impacted by mental health. I found it interesting because often times we forget about those areas and in return because more damage for the child, but through awareness and the initiative we will be able to better address those needs and situations. I believe it is crucial for light to be shine upon the early childhood field.  I believe through awareness children will benefit greatly around the globe and educators, families, community and nationally leaders will have all the necessary tools to help in areas needed to make a difference in all children.



  1. Sha'Keema,

    I was also impressed with the Center of the Developing Child at Harvard university because besides their state-of-the-art scientific information about child development, they also provide co-funding for many programs around the globe. They also provide information to those programs from professionals at Harvard and other universities. It is an amazing detailed and organized center.

  2. I too focused this week's topic on Harvard's Global Children's Initiative and you are absolutely right, that local trends & issues not only affect a particular area locally, but it affects us ALL as a whole. I was extremely intrigued with the amount of efforts that put towards research and Mental Health Issues. This is an area that goes lacking ALOT and affects so many of us (who are unaware of it)! Thanks for providing even more details on such an amazing approach! :)

  3. Shakeem, I really enjoyed reading your post.It is indeed critical that we bring to life issues that affect children such as mental health and conflict in crisis. I was very elated that they recognized these issues because a lot of times they go unnoticed.

  4. Hello Sha’Keema,
    What you are saying about “bringing awareness to children” gives me hope that when everyone’s attention will be turned to children, peace might be possible. Thank you for creating this beautiful vision!
